//------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// /// \file xmlload.cpp /// \author Cem Yuksel (www.cemyuksel.com) /// \version 10.0 /// \date August 21, 2019 /// /// \brief Example source for CS 6620 - University of Utah. /// //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "scene.h" #include "objects.h" #include "materials.h" #include "lights.h" #include "texture.h" #include "tinyxml/tinyxml.h" //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern Node rootNode; extern Camera camera; extern RenderImage renderImage; extern MaterialList materials; extern LightList lights; extern ObjFileList objList; extern TexturedColor background; extern TexturedColor environment; extern TextureList textureList; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef WIN32 #define COMPARE(a,b) (_stricmp(a,b)==0) #else #define COMPARE(a,b) (strcasecmp(a,b)==0) #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LoadScene(TiXmlElement *element); void LoadNode(Node *node, TiXmlElement *element, int level=0); void LoadTransform( Transformation *trans, TiXmlElement *element, int level ); void LoadMaterial(TiXmlElement *element); void LoadLight(TiXmlElement *element); void ReadVector(TiXmlElement *element, Vec3f &v); void ReadColor (TiXmlElement *element, Color &c); void ReadFloat (TiXmlElement *element, float &f, char const *name="value"); TextureMap* ReadTexture(TiXmlElement *element); Texture* ReadTexture(char const *filename); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct NodeMtl { Node *node; char const *mtlName; }; std::vector nodeMtlList; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int LoadScene(char const *filename) { TiXmlDocument doc(filename); if ( ! doc.LoadFile() ) { printf("Failed to load the file \"%s\"\n", filename); return 0; } TiXmlElement *xml = doc.FirstChildElement("xml"); if ( ! xml ) { printf("No \"xml\" tag found.\n"); return 0; } TiXmlElement *scene = xml->FirstChildElement("scene"); if ( ! scene ) { printf("No \"scene\" tag found.\n"); return 0; } TiXmlElement *cam = xml->FirstChildElement("camera"); if ( ! cam ) { printf("No \"camera\" tag found.\n"); return 0; } nodeMtlList.clear(); rootNode.Init(); materials.DeleteAll(); lights.DeleteAll(); objList.Clear(); textureList.Clear(); LoadScene( scene ); rootNode.ComputeChildBoundBox(); // Assign materials int numNodes = nodeMtlList.size(); for ( int i=0; iSetMaterial(mtl); } nodeMtlList.clear(); // Load Camera camera.Init(); camera.dir += camera.pos; TiXmlElement *camChild = cam->FirstChildElement(); while ( camChild ) { if ( COMPARE( camChild->Value(), "position" ) ) ReadVector(camChild,camera.pos); else if ( COMPARE( camChild->Value(), "target" ) ) ReadVector(camChild,camera.dir); else if ( COMPARE( camChild->Value(), "up" ) ) ReadVector(camChild,camera.up); else if ( COMPARE( camChild->Value(), "fov" ) ) ReadFloat (camChild,camera.fov); else if ( COMPARE( camChild->Value(), "focaldist" ) ) ReadFloat (camChild,camera.focaldist); else if ( COMPARE( camChild->Value(), "dof" ) ) ReadFloat (camChild,camera.dof); else if ( COMPARE( camChild->Value(), "width" ) ) camChild->QueryIntAttribute("value", &camera.imgWidth); else if ( COMPARE( camChild->Value(), "height" ) ) camChild->QueryIntAttribute("value", &camera.imgHeight); camChild = camChild->NextSiblingElement(); } camera.dir -= camera.pos; camera.dir.Normalize(); Vec3f x = camera.dir ^ camera.up; camera.up = (x ^ camera.dir).GetNormalized(); renderImage.Init( camera.imgWidth, camera.imgHeight ); return 1; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void PrintIndent(int level) { for ( int i=0; iFirstChildElement(); child!=nullptr; child = child->NextSiblingElement() ) { if ( COMPARE( child->Value(), "background" ) ) { Color c(1,1,1); ReadColor( child, c ); background.SetColor(c); printf("Background %f %f %f\n",c.r,c.g,c.b); background.SetTexture( ReadTexture(child) ); } else if ( COMPARE( child->Value(), "environment" ) ) { Color c(1,1,1); ReadColor( child, c ); environment.SetColor(c); printf("Environment %f %f %f\n",c.r,c.g,c.b); environment.SetTexture( ReadTexture(child) ); } else if ( COMPARE( child->Value(), "object" ) ) { LoadNode( &rootNode, child ); } else if ( COMPARE( child->Value(), "material" ) ) { LoadMaterial( child ); } else if ( COMPARE( child->Value(), "light" ) ) { LoadLight( child ); } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LoadNode(Node *parent, TiXmlElement *element, int level) { Node *node = new Node; parent->AppendChild(node); // name char const* name = element->Attribute("name"); node->SetName(name); PrintIndent(level); printf("object ["); if ( name ) printf("%s",name); printf("]"); // material char const* mtlName = element->Attribute("material"); if ( mtlName ) { printf(" <%s>", mtlName); NodeMtl nm; nm.node = node; nm.mtlName = mtlName; nodeMtlList.push_back(nm); } // type char const* type = element->Attribute("type"); if ( type ) { if ( COMPARE(type,"sphere") ) { node->SetNodeObj( &theSphere ); printf(" - Sphere"); } else if ( COMPARE(type,"plane") ) { node->SetNodeObj( &thePlane ); printf(" - Plane"); } else if ( COMPARE(type,"obj") ) { printf(" - OBJ"); Object *obj = objList.Find(name); if ( obj == nullptr ) { // object is not on the list, so we should load it now TriObj *tobj = new TriObj; if ( ! tobj->Load( name, mtlName==nullptr ) ) { printf(" -- ERROR: Cannot load file \"%s.\"", name); delete tobj; } else { objList.Append(tobj,name); // add to the list obj = tobj; // generate multi-material if ( tobj->NM() > 0 ) { if ( materials.Find(name) == nullptr ) { MultiMtl *mm = new MultiMtl; for ( unsigned int i=0; iNM(); i++ ) { MtlBlinn *m = new MtlBlinn; const cyTriMesh::Mtl &mtl = tobj->M(i); m->SetDiffuse( Color(mtl.Kd) ); m->SetSpecular( Color(mtl.Ks) ); m->SetGlossiness( mtl.Ns ); m->SetRefractionIndex( mtl.Ni ); if ( mtl.map_Kd.data != nullptr ) m->SetDiffuseTexture( new TextureMap(ReadTexture(mtl.map_Kd.data)) ); if ( mtl.map_Ks.data != nullptr ) m->SetDiffuseTexture( new TextureMap(ReadTexture(mtl.map_Ks.data)) ); if ( mtl.illum > 2 && mtl.illum <= 7 ) { m->SetReflection( Color(mtl.Ks) ); if ( mtl.map_Ks.data != nullptr ) m->SetReflectionTexture( new TextureMap(ReadTexture(mtl.map_Ks.data)) ); float gloss = acosf(powf(2,1/mtl.Ns)); m->SetReflectionGlossiness(gloss); if ( mtl.illum >= 6 ) { m->SetRefraction( 1 - Color(mtl.Tf) ); m->SetRefractionGlossiness(gloss); } } mm->AppendMaterial(m); } mm->SetName(name); materials.push_back(mm); NodeMtl nm; nm.node = node; nm.mtlName = name; nodeMtlList.push_back(nm); } } } } node->SetNodeObj( obj ); } else { printf(" - UNKNOWN TYPE"); } } printf("\n"); for ( TiXmlElement *child = element->FirstChildElement(); child!=nullptr; child = child->NextSiblingElement() ) { if ( COMPARE( child->Value(), "object" ) ) { LoadNode(node,child,level+1); } } LoadTransform( node, element, level ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LoadTransform( Transformation *trans, TiXmlElement *element, int level ) { for ( TiXmlElement *child = element->FirstChildElement(); child!=nullptr; child = child->NextSiblingElement() ) { if ( COMPARE( child->Value(), "scale" ) ) { Vec3f s(1,1,1); ReadVector( child, s ); trans->Scale(s.x,s.y,s.z); PrintIndent(level); printf(" scale %f %f %f\n",s.x,s.y,s.z); } else if ( COMPARE( child->Value(), "rotate" ) ) { Vec3f s(0,0,0); ReadVector( child, s ); s.Normalize(); float a; ReadFloat(child,a,"angle"); trans->Rotate(s,a); PrintIndent(level); printf(" rotate %f degrees around %f %f %f\n", a, s.x, s.y, s.z); } else if ( COMPARE( child->Value(), "translate" ) ) { Vec3f t(0,0,0); ReadVector(child,t); trans->Translate(t); PrintIndent(level); printf(" translate %f %f %f\n",t.x,t.y,t.z); } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LoadMaterial(TiXmlElement *element) { Material *mtl = nullptr; // name char const* name = element->Attribute("name"); printf("Material ["); if ( name ) printf("%s",name); printf("]"); // type char const* type = element->Attribute("type"); if ( type ) { if ( COMPARE(type,"blinn") ) { printf(" - Blinn\n"); MtlBlinn *m = new MtlBlinn(); mtl = m; for ( TiXmlElement *child = element->FirstChildElement(); child!=nullptr; child = child->NextSiblingElement() ) { Color c(1,1,1); float f=1; if ( COMPARE( child->Value(), "diffuse" ) ) { ReadColor( child, c ); m->SetDiffuse(c); printf(" diffuse %f %f %f\n",c.r,c.g,c.b); m->SetDiffuseTexture( ReadTexture(child) ); } else if ( COMPARE( child->Value(), "specular" ) ) { ReadColor( child, c ); m->SetSpecular(c); printf(" specular %f %f %f\n",c.r,c.g,c.b); m->SetSpecularTexture( ReadTexture(child) ); } else if ( COMPARE( child->Value(), "glossiness" ) ) { ReadFloat( child, f ); m->SetGlossiness(f); printf(" glossiness %f\n",f); } else if ( COMPARE( child->Value(), "reflection" ) ) { ReadColor( child, c ); m->SetReflection(c); printf(" reflection %f %f %f\n",c.r,c.g,c.b); m->SetReflectionTexture( ReadTexture(child) ); f = 0; ReadFloat( child, f, "glossiness" ); m->SetReflectionGlossiness(f); if ( f > 0 ) printf(" (glossiness %f)",f); printf("\n"); } else if ( COMPARE( child->Value(), "refraction" ) ) { ReadColor( child, c ); m->SetRefraction(c); ReadFloat( child, f, "index" ); m->SetRefractionIndex(f); printf(" refraction %f %f %f (index %f)\n",c.r,c.g,c.b,f); m->SetRefractionTexture( ReadTexture(child) ); f = 0; ReadFloat( child, f, "glossiness" ); m->SetRefractionGlossiness(f); if ( f > 0 ) printf(" (glossiness %f)",f); printf("\n"); } else if ( COMPARE( child->Value(), "absorption" ) ) { ReadColor( child, c ); m->SetAbsorption(c); printf(" absorption %f %f %f\n",c.r,c.g,c.b); } } } else { printf(" - UNKNOWN\n"); } } if ( mtl ) { mtl->SetName(name); materials.push_back(mtl); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LoadLight(TiXmlElement *element) { Light *light = nullptr; // name char const* name = element->Attribute("name"); printf("Light ["); if ( name ) printf("%s",name); printf("]"); // type char const* type = element->Attribute("type"); if ( type ) { if ( COMPARE(type,"ambient") ) { printf(" - Ambient\n"); AmbientLight *l = new AmbientLight(); light = l; for ( TiXmlElement *child = element->FirstChildElement(); child!=nullptr; child = child->NextSiblingElement() ) { if ( COMPARE( child->Value(), "intensity" ) ) { Color c(1,1,1); ReadColor( child, c ); l->SetIntensity(c); printf(" intensity %f %f %f\n",c.r,c.g,c.b); } } } else if ( COMPARE(type,"direct") ) { printf(" - Direct\n"); DirectLight *l = new DirectLight(); light = l; for ( TiXmlElement *child = element->FirstChildElement(); child!=nullptr; child = child->NextSiblingElement() ) { if ( COMPARE( child->Value(), "intensity" ) ) { Color c(1,1,1); ReadColor( child, c ); l->SetIntensity(c); printf(" intensity %f %f %f\n",c.r,c.g,c.b); } else if ( COMPARE( child->Value(), "direction" ) ) { Vec3f v(1,1,1); ReadVector( child, v ); l->SetDirection(v); printf(" direction %f %f %f\n",v.x,v.y,v.z); } } } else if ( COMPARE(type,"point") ) { printf(" - Point\n"); PointLight *l = new PointLight(); light = l; for ( TiXmlElement *child = element->FirstChildElement(); child!=nullptr; child = child->NextSiblingElement() ) { if ( COMPARE( child->Value(), "intensity" ) ) { Color c(1,1,1); ReadColor( child, c ); l->SetIntensity(c); printf(" intensity %f %f %f\n",c.r,c.g,c.b); } else if ( COMPARE( child->Value(), "position" ) ) { Vec3f v(0,0,0); ReadVector( child, v ); l->SetPosition(v); printf(" position %f %f %f\n",v.x,v.y,v.z); } else if ( COMPARE( child->Value(), "size" ) ) { float f = 0; ReadFloat( child, f ); l->SetSize(f); printf(" size %f\n",f); } } } else { printf(" - UNKNOWN\n"); } } if ( light ) { light->SetName(name); lights.push_back(light); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ReadVector(TiXmlElement *element, Vec3f &v) { double x = (double) v.x; double y = (double) v.y; double z = (double) v.z; element->QueryDoubleAttribute( "x", &x ); element->QueryDoubleAttribute( "y", &y ); element->QueryDoubleAttribute( "z", &z ); v.x = (float) x; v.y = (float) y; v.z = (float) z; float f=1; ReadFloat( element, f ); v *= f; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ReadColor(TiXmlElement *element, Color &c) { double r = (double) c.r; double g = (double) c.g; double b = (double) c.b; element->QueryDoubleAttribute( "r", &r ); element->QueryDoubleAttribute( "g", &g ); element->QueryDoubleAttribute( "b", &b ); c.r = (float) r; c.g = (float) g; c.b = (float) b; float f=1; ReadFloat( element, f ); c *= f; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ReadFloat (TiXmlElement *element, float &f, char const *name) { double d = (double) f; element->QueryDoubleAttribute( name, &d ); f = (float) d; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TextureMap* ReadTexture(TiXmlElement *element) { char const* texName = element->Attribute("texture"); if ( texName == nullptr ) return nullptr; Texture *tex = nullptr; if ( COMPARE(texName,"checkerboard") ) { TextureChecker *ctex = new TextureChecker; tex = ctex; printf(" Texture: Checker Board\n"); for ( TiXmlElement *child = element->FirstChildElement(); child!=nullptr; child = child->NextSiblingElement() ) { if ( COMPARE( child->Value(), "color1" ) ) { Color c(0,0,0); ReadColor( child, c ); ctex->SetColor1(c); printf(" color1 %f %f %f\n",c.r,c.g,c.b); } else if ( COMPARE( child->Value(), "color2" ) ) { Color c(0,0,0); ReadColor( child, c ); ctex->SetColor2(c); printf(" color2 %f %f %f\n",c.r,c.g,c.b); } } textureList.Append( tex, texName ); } else { tex = ReadTexture( texName ); } TextureMap *map = new TextureMap(tex); LoadTransform(map,element,1); return map; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Texture* ReadTexture(char const *texName) { printf(" Texture: File \"%s\"",texName); Texture *tex = textureList.Find( texName ); if ( tex == nullptr ) { TextureFile *ftex = new TextureFile; tex = ftex; ftex->SetName(texName); if ( ! ftex->Load() ) { printf(" -- Error loading file!"); delete tex; tex = nullptr; } else { textureList.Append( tex, texName ); } } printf("\n"); return tex; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------