// cyCodeBase by Cem Yuksel // [www.cemyuksel.com] //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! //! \file cyIrradianceMap.h //! \author Cem Yuksel //! \version 0.4 //! \date August 21, 2019 //! //! \brief irradiance map class. //! //! //! @copydoc cyIrradianceMap //! //! A simple class to store irradiance values for rendering using Monte Carlo //! sampling for indirect illumination. //! //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (c) 2016, Cem Yuksel // All rights reserved. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE // SOFTWARE. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef _CY_IRRADIANCE_MAP_H_INCLUDED_ #define _CY_IRRADIANCE_MAP_H_INCLUDED_ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace cy { //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Irradiance map class template class IrradianceMap { public: IrradianceMap() : data(nullptr), width(0), height(0) {} virtual ~IrradianceMap() { if ( data ) delete [] data; } //! Initialize once by providing the image with and height. //! The maxSubdiv parameter determines how many computation points will be generated. //! The minSubdiv parameter determines the minimum computation resolution. //! When minSubdiv is negative, a computation point is generated with 2^(-minSubdiv) pixels apart. //! When minSubdiv is positive, 2^(minSubdiv) computation points are generated per pixel. //! The total number of computation points is 2^(maxSubdiv) per pixel. //! If maxSubdiv is negative, width and height parameters must be an even multiple of 2^(-maxSubdiv); //! otherwise, returns false. bool Initialize(unsigned int _width, unsigned int _height, int _minSubdiv=-5, int _maxSubdiv=0) { if ( _maxSubdiv < 0 ) { unsigned int mask = (1<<(-_maxSubdiv))-1; if ( (_width & mask) > 0 || (_height & mask) > 0 ) return false; } if ( _maxSubdiv < _minSubdiv ) return false; if ( data ) delete [] data; width = _width; height = _height; minSubdiv = _minSubdiv; maxSubdiv = _maxSubdiv; widthSampleCount = (width >> -maxSubdiv)+1; heightSampleCount = (height >> -maxSubdiv)+1; unsigned int n = widthSampleCount * heightSampleCount; data = new T[n]; currentSubdiv = minSubdiv; currentX = 0; currentY = 0; currentSkipX = 1<<(-currentSubdiv+maxSubdiv); currentSkipY = currentSkipX; currentPhase = 0; return true; } //! Computes the next data point. If the data point can be estimated using previously //! computed points, it is estimated. Otherwise, ComputePoint() is called. //! Returns false if no more computation is needed. bool ComputeNextPoint(int threadID=0) { Lock(); int subdiv = currentSubdiv; int phase = currentPhase; unsigned int x = currentX; unsigned int y = currentY; currentX += currentSkipX; if ( currentX >= widthSampleCount ) { currentY += currentSkipY; if ( currentY >= heightSampleCount ) { if ( currentPhase == 0 ) currentSubdiv++; currentPhase++; if ( currentPhase > 2 ) { currentSubdiv++; currentPhase = 1; } if ( currentPhase == 1 ) { currentSkipX = 1<<(-currentSubdiv+maxSubdiv+1); currentSkipY = currentSkipX; currentX = currentSkipX/2; currentY = currentSkipY/2; } else { // currentPhase == 2 currentSkipY /= 2; currentX = currentSkipX/2; currentY = 0; } } else { switch ( currentPhase ) { case 0: currentX = 0; break; case 1: currentX = currentSkipX / 2; break; case 2: currentX = (1-((currentY/currentSkipY)&1)) * (currentSkipX/2); break; } } } Unlock(); if ( subdiv > maxSubdiv ) return false; unsigned int i = y*widthSampleCount + x; unsigned int halfSkip = currentSkipX/2; unsigned int x2 = x + halfSkip; unsigned int y2 = y + halfSkip; bool estimate = false; unsigned int i0, i1, i2, i3; if ( phase == 1 ) { if ( x2 < widthSampleCount && y2 < heightSampleCount ) { estimate = true; unsigned int x1 = x - halfSkip; unsigned int y1 = y - halfSkip; i0 = y1*widthSampleCount + x1; i1 = y1*widthSampleCount + x2; i2 = y2*widthSampleCount + x1; i3 = y2*widthSampleCount + x2; } } else if ( phase == 2 ) { if ( x > 0 && y > 0 && x2 < widthSampleCount && y2 < heightSampleCount ) { estimate = true; unsigned int x1 = x - halfSkip; unsigned int y1 = y - halfSkip; i0 = y1*widthSampleCount + x; i1 = y *widthSampleCount + x1; i2 = y *widthSampleCount + x2; i3 = y2*widthSampleCount + x; } } if ( estimate ) { T avrg; if ( Estimate( avrg, data[i0], data[i1], data[i2], data[i3] ) ) { data[i] = avrg; return true; } } float sskip = (maxSubdiv<0) ? (1<<-maxSubdiv) : (1.0f/(1<= widthSampleCount ) ix=ix2=widthSampleCount-1; else if ( ix2 >= widthSampleCount ) ix2=widthSampleCount-1; if ( iy >= heightSampleCount ) iy=iy2=heightSampleCount-1; else if ( iy2 >= heightSampleCount ) iy2=heightSampleCount-1; unsigned int i0 = iy *widthSampleCount + ix; unsigned int i1 = iy *widthSampleCount + ix2; unsigned int i2 = iy2*widthSampleCount + ix; unsigned int i3 = iy2*widthSampleCount + ix2; T val; BilinearFilter( val, data[i0], data[i1], data[i2], data[i3], fx, fy ); return val; } protected: //! Enters the critical section. void Lock() { iterator_mutex.lock(); } //! Leaves the critical section. void Unlock() { iterator_mutex.unlock(); } //! Computes the given screen position. virtual void ComputePoint( T &data, float x, float y, int threadID )=0; //! Computes the average of the four given data values. //! If the average is close to all four data values, returns true. //! Otherwise, returns false virtual bool Estimate( T &avrg, T const &data0, T const &data1, T const &data2, T const &data3 ) const { Average( avrg, data0, data1, data2, data3 ); if ( IsSimilar( avrg, data0 ) && IsSimilar( avrg, data1 ) && IsSimilar( avrg, data2 ) && IsSimilar( avrg, data3 ) ) return true; return false; } //! Returns the average of the given four data values. virtual void Average( T &avrg, T const &data0, T const &data1, T const &data2, T const &data3 ) const=0; //! Returns if the given two data values are similar. virtual bool IsSimilar( T const &data0, T const &data1 ) const=0; //! Returns the bilinear interpolation of the given four points. virtual void BilinearFilter( T &outVal, T const &dataX0Y0, T const &dataX1Y0, T const &dataX0Y1, T const &dataX1Y1, float fx, float fy ) const { T vy0, vy1; LinearFilter( vy0, dataX0Y0, dataX1Y0, fx ); LinearFilter( vy1, dataX0Y1, dataX1Y1, fx ); LinearFilter( outVal, vy0, vy1, fy ); } //! Returns the linear interpolation of the given two points. virtual void LinearFilter( T &outVal, T const &data0, T const &data1, float f ) const=0; private: T *data; unsigned int width, height; int minSubdiv, maxSubdiv; unsigned int widthSampleCount, heightSampleCount; int currentSubdiv, currentPhase; unsigned int currentX, currentY, currentSkipX, currentSkipY; std::mutex iterator_mutex; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Irradiance map for a single floating point value per computation. //! Uses a threshold value to determine if the interpolation is good enough. class IrradianceMapFloat : public IrradianceMap { public: IrradianceMapFloat(float _threshold=1.0e30f) : threshold(_threshold) {} void SetThreshold(float t) { threshold=t; } protected: virtual void Average( float &avrg, float const &data0, float const &data1, float const &data2, float const &data3 ) const { avrg = ( data0 + data1 + data2 + data3 ) * 0.25f; } virtual bool IsSimilar( float const &data0, float const &data1 ) const { return fabs(data0-data1) { public: IrradianceMapColor(float _threshold=1.0e30f) { SetThreshold(_threshold); } IrradianceMapColor(Color _threshold) : threshold(_threshold) {} void SetThreshold(float t) { threshold.Set(t,t,t); } void SetThreshold(Color const &t) { threshold=t; } protected: virtual void Average( Color &avrg, Color const &data0, Color const &data1, Color const &data2, Color const &data3 ) const { avrg = ( data0 + data1 + data2 + data3 ) * 0.25f; } virtual bool IsSimilar( Color const &data0, Color const &data1 ) const { Color dif = data0-data1; return fabs(dif.r) { public: IrradianceMapColorZ(float _thresholdColor=1.0e30f, float _thresholdZ=1.0e30f) : thresholdZ(_thresholdZ) { SetColorThreshold(_thresholdColor); } IrradianceMapColorZ(Color _thresholdColor, float _thresholdZ=1.0e30f) : thresholdColor(_thresholdColor), thresholdZ(_thresholdZ) {} void SetColorThreshold(float t) { thresholdColor.Set(t,t,t); } void SetColorThreshold(Color const &t) { thresholdColor=t; } void SetZThreshold(float t) { thresholdZ=t; } protected: virtual void Average( ColorA &avrg, ColorA const &data0, ColorA const &data1, ColorA const &data2, ColorA const &data3 ) const { avrg = ( data0 + data1 + data2 + data3 ) * 0.25f; } virtual bool IsSimilar( ColorA const &data0, ColorA const &data1 ) const { ColorA dif = data0-data1; return fabs(dif.r) { public: IrradianceMapColorZNormal(float _thresholdColor=1.0e30f, float _thresholdZ=1.0e30f, float _thresholdN=0.7f) : thresholdZ(_thresholdZ), thresholdN(_thresholdN) { SetColorThreshold(_thresholdColor); } IrradianceMapColorZNormal(Color _thresholdColor, float _thresholdZ=1.0e30f, float _thresholdN=0.7f) : thresholdColor(_thresholdColor), thresholdZ(_thresholdZ), thresholdN(_thresholdN) {} void SetColorThreshold(float t) { thresholdColor.Set(t,t,t); } void SetColorThreshold(Color const &t) { thresholdColor=t; } void SetZThreshold(float t) { thresholdZ=t; } void SetNThreshold(float t) { thresholdN=t; } protected: virtual void Average( ColorZNormal &avrg, ColorZNormal const &data0, ColorZNormal const &data1, ColorZNormal const &data2, ColorZNormal const &data3 ) const { avrg = ( data0 + data1 + data2 + data3 ) * 0.25f; } virtual bool IsSimilar( ColorZNormal const &data0, ColorZNormal const &data1 ) const { ColorZNormal dif = data0-data1; return fabs(dif.c.r)thresholdN; } virtual void LinearFilter( ColorZNormal &outVal, ColorZNormal const &data0, ColorZNormal const &data1, float f ) const { outVal = data0*(1-f) + data1*f; } private: Color thresholdColor; float thresholdZ; float thresholdN; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } // namespace cy //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #endif