Utah Teapot Rendering Competition (TRC)

Dr. Cem Yuksel organizes the annual Teapot Rendering Competition. The competition is open to all students who have taken the Ray Tracing for Rendering (CS 6620) course and written their own rendering software from scratch. Students present their original scenes rendered with their own software, commemorating the famous Utah Teapot with dazzling visuals!

The rules of the competition are simple: the scenes must be original, they must include at least one visible Utah Teapot model, and the images must be rendered using student's software. Students entering the competition are permitted to work with other individuals for preparing their scenes and the related artwork, but they must write the rendering software themselves.

It is important to note that students taking the Ray Tracing for Rendering (CS 6620) course typically have about one week to complete their software and prepare their scenes and images. Other students, who have taken the course earlier, however, have an unfair advantage, since they have a whole year (or longer) to work on their scenes and images.

Teapot Rendering Competition 2019

Jacob Haydel
Audience Choice Award
Student Choice Award
Jacob Haydel
Juror Choice Award
Tianyu Li
Juror Choice Award
Byreave Luo
Juror Choice Award
Xuan Huang
Juror Choice Award
Boson Huang
Juror Choice Award
Karthik Karanth
Juror Choice Award
Wenyou Wang
Juror Choice Award
Sneha Sunil Bhakare
Juror Choice Award

Teapot Rendering Competition 2017

Agatha Mallett
Audience Choice Award
Daqi Lin
Juror Choice Award
Best in Class Award
Student Choice Award
Justin Alain Jensen
Juror Choice Award
Nathan Vollmer Morrical
Juror Choice Award
Qi Wu
Juror Choice Award
Benjamin Richard Draut
Juror Choice Award

Teapot Rendering Competition 2016

Laura Marie Lediaev
Audience Choice Award
Agatha Mallett
Juror Choice Award
William Mason Usher
Juror Choice Award

Teapot Rendering Competition 2015

Laura Marie Lediaev
Audience Choice Award
William Mason Usher
Juror Choice Award
Agatha Mallett
Juror Choice Award
Laura Marie Lediaev
Juror Choice Award
Venkata Kushal Ponnam
and Victor Castro
Best in Class Award
Student Choice Award

Teapot Rendering Competition 2014

Laura Marie Lediaev
Student Choice Award
Audience Choice Award
Agatha Mallett
Juror Choice Award
Student Choice Award
William Mason Usher
Juror Choice Award

Teapot Rendering Competition 2013

Sean Patrick McKenna
Kendal Bruce Gifford
Juror Choice Award
Yuntao Ou
Juror Choice Award
Cameron T Christensen
Student Choice Award

Teapot Rendering Competition 2012

Yang Shen
Jin Cui
Juror Choice Award
Student Choice Award