CS 5610/6610 - Spring 2020 - Interactive Computer Graphics

Final Project

The final project will be different for each student. The aim of the final project is to use the skills you've obtained during this class and gain additional knowledge and experience through implementing a more complex project.

Students will pick their own project topics and submit an proposal. The proposal will be reviewed and approved by the instructor.

The project topic can be the implementation of a paper that is related to interactive computer graphics. The recommended venues for finding project topics are SIGGRAPH, SIGGRAPH Asia, Eurographics, I3D, HPG, and EGSR conferences, but papers published in other venues can be accepted as well. Ke-Sen Huang's page contains links to papers published in various computer graphics venues.

Alternatively, students can describe a particular project they would like to implement. This project should be challenging enough and include interesting aspects of interactive computer graphics to be accepted as a final project.

