CS 5610/6610 - Spring 2025 - Interactive Computer Graphics
Project 4 - Textures
In this project we will add color variations using textures.
Obtain the diffuse texture image filename from the mtl file associated with the obj file.
You can use the cyTriMesh code release for parsing mtl files, which is done while parsing obj files. Make sure to use the latest version of this code release.
You can use the files in this teapot.zip file for your tests.
You can use the LodePNG library for decoding png image files.
Your program must take the name of the .obj file as its first command-line argument.
Generate a vertex buffer for texture coordinates.
The diffuse texture should be correctly displayed on the object.
Additional Requirements for CS 6610 Students
Include the specular texture, specified in the mtl file, for adjusting the specular color of the object.
Provide support for objects with multiple materials, some of which can have textures.
Set all material properties using the values in the mtl file.
You can use the files in this yoda.zip file for your tests.