In this project we will add support for soft shadows and glossy reflections to our ray tracers.
XML Scene Format
In the XML scene format we specify glossy reflections/refractions by adding a "glossiness" value for the "reflection" or "refraction" tag of the Blinn material. If the glossiness is not specified, it should be regarded as zero, which means no glossy reflections/refractions. Notice that the "glossiness" value for the "reflection" tag is separate from the "glossiness" of the Blinn shading.
<material type="blinn" name="ground"> <diffuse r="0.3" g="0.3" b="0.3"/> <specular value="0.1"/> <glossiness value="50"/> <reflection value="1.0" glossiness="0.5"/> </material>
We specify area shadows by adding a "size" value to point lights. This size value effectively converts the point light to a spherical area light.
<light type="point" name="pointLight"> <intensity value="1.0"/> <position x="-50" y="-100" z="50"/> <size value="5.0"/> </light>
You can use this test scene to verify that your implementation is correct.
Here is an example implementation of the XML parser using TinyXML.
Optional Feature Suggestions
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